Dedicated to Preserving America's Oldest Soda

Thursday, January 4, 2007

My last posting brought up a very touchy subject - the web site ( Going to, one expects to find the corporate brand web site. At a corporate brand site, one should be able to view information about the company, buy unique gifts, read about the brand in the news all under the brand image and color scheme.

I'll admit that does provide some interesting information and does sell Vernors soda, but the site seems to be a shell for something called The site also sells Sanders and Better Made - two other local Detroit brands.

There is no consistent brand imaging for Vernors - or the other brands - and no credibility. I wouldn't buy anything from this site, but may try one of their recipes - scanned from original Vernors pamphlets.

This travesty (and for me who works in Internet Marketing, it is a travesty) is not at all surprising considering the new owners of the brand (Cadbury Schweppes - owns the division A & W Brands that purchased Vernors) doesn't really have great corporate sites either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this anything like that "Hey Vern!" guy that was popular in the 90's?